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Silvia Bellantoni

Art and nature are my greatest passions.


So it happens that I don't know how to choose where to direct my gaze: whether to the expanse of the sea with its impalpable and waving light; if to the soft hills that look like trembling green waves; if, again, to let my gaze wander among the velvety shadows of an art gallery, attracted by colours, shadows and lights...


I didn't attend an art institute, but I wandered in search of sensorial satisfaction among beaches, sand dunes, green meadows, always with an eye on capturing the wonderful things that surround us.


My soul is equally attracted to nature and the city, from expanses of greenery to art exhibitions.


What does all this mean for me?


It means giving a more complete meaning to my life; it means providing my senses - hearing, sight, touch - with that sense of satisfaction that becomes a memory of life.

How many times have I thought about taking home and keeping forever a ray of sunshine that penetrates the trees of a summer forest; the glimmer of light on the barely rippling sea; the blinding white of the sky in the midday of July…

Then, one day, I decided to try to recreate those lights, those colours, those shadows, those chiaroscuro so deep, so impalpable and elusive; I decided that I wanted to try to give tangible depth to my sensations and, so, I decided to experiment with material painting.

Here: my canvases are the result of an experimentation that allowed me to develop, as a self-taught person, a texture with which to give shape and freeze forever the caress of the summer wind, the freshness of the water, the alternating golden lights in the thick of the Mediterranean scrub.

Painting, for me, is this: closing that door that allows you to access a world of lights, shadows and colors, sand and wind, grass and water .

Are you interested in my works?

You can call the number below or write to me using the “Contact me” form below.


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Contact me


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Do not hesitate to contact me.

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