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Vignati Riccardo - Painter

Riccardo Vignati


A creative and experimental path that from the classical and figurative bases reaches the post modern and surrealism. Born in Legnano (MI) in 1950; lives and works in Induno olona (VA).

From his maternal grandmother from Emilia, he probably inherited the passion for drawing and the ability in plastic composition. In 1970 he obtained a diploma in graphics, poster and window dressing; in the following years he followed the Marketing direction of a large aeronautical company, taking care of the graphics and the company's coordinated image, also producing illustrations and advertising covers for various sector magazines.

In the 80s he joined the group "Pittori indunesi" which later became "Proposte d'Arte". In 1998 he opened the "RV Grafica" agency as a freelancer.

In the 2000s he joined the artistic group of the "Ageli" of Varese and participated in various exhibitions in the province.

From 2006 to 2011 he was present with his works at the Varese Artistic Handicraft exhibitions, promoted by the Chamber of Commerce of Varese.

There are also numerous one-man and group exhibitions which obtain broad public and critical acclaim. His works can be found in private collections in countries such as Switzerland, Germany, and Australia. Together with the artist Enrico Milesi he sees the birth of the artistic movement "Zer'Art".


An intense and mature chromatic and formal research characterizes his expressive research which sometimes moves within the inspiration of the avant-gardes.

Remarkable is also the personal journey he makes in deepening, even theoretically, numerous historical and literary insights and insights which he then interprets in an autonomous and personal key.                                                                       

Clara Castaldo


His art is a warning to humanity, it knows how to be dramatic with lightness; this is the case of the series of works "Homo Cell" dedicated to the evolution of communication. Fascinating themes that move through time and space like a journey. In Riccardo Vignati's works, narration therefore has a fundamental role, there is never a decorative intent, yet what captivates us are the chromatisms, skilfully supported by never casual material games, they communicate his inner world, his being an adult child , who finds his freedom in art. In 2021 he is part of the prestigious artistic group "Cicolo degli Artisti di Varese".


Valentina Marongiu



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Group Exhibitions


1996 - Collective exhibition "PROPOSTE D'ARTE" in Induno Olona (VA)

2000 - Collective exhibition "PROPOSTE D'ARTE" in Induno Olona (VA)

2006 - Collective exhibition of Artistic Craftsmanship in Varesino Ville Ponti (VA) - Chamber of Commerce

2007 - "Cycling World Championships" group exhibition at Villa Pirelli (VA)

2009 - "Art in the chair", collective exhibition - Gallarate

2011 - Rho Fiera Artistic Craftsmanship Varesino

2011 - Collective exhibition of Artistic Craftsmanship in Varesino Ville Ponti (VA) - Chamber of Commerce

2012 - "5 Artists" Induno Olona collective exhibition at the civic hall Bergamaschi
2014 - Solo exhibition - at ART IN HOTEL in Varese

2015 - "Colors of Encounter" Solo exhibition - Saronno communal hall Giovanna D'Arco

2015 - "Fular d'Artista" Collective - Varese Villa Recalcati with the sponsorship of the province of Varese

2015 - "Fular d'Artista" Salso Maggiore (PR) Collective - Congress Center Hall of the Caryatids

2015 - "Angels" angel group - Collective - Villa Recalcati Varese

2016 - "Rebirth" Angera - Liberty Art Studio gallery Zer'Art artistic movement

2016 - Solo exhibition "YESTERDAY - TODAY" - Orta San Giulio (NO) "Palazzotto" sponsored by the municipality

2017 - Solo exhibition - Philipph Ailand Australia - ART GALLERY STUDIO 222

2018 - Collective - Z'er'Art - Ass. Circuiti Dinamici (MI)

2019 - Collective - Zer'Art Galleria Cascina dell'Arte in Busto Arsizio

2022 - "10 artists on display" council hall of Castiglione Olona

2022 - "Pandemic" Collective at Circolo degli Artisti in Varese - nautical museum of Laveno

2022 - Solo exhibition "Travelling" Arte Arte Gallery in Ostiglia (MN)

2022 - Solo exhibition "Travelling" Exhibition hall of Zer'Art - Induno Olona (VA)

2023 - "225 years of the Italian flag" Collective - Circolo degli artisti in Varese

2023 - SORRIDIDONNA - Collective by ArtistaOnLine - Due Punti Gallery Varese

2023 - My Avatar - Collective by ArtistaOnLine - Due Punti Gallery - Varese

2023 - Artists tell about themselves - Collective by ARTandCHARITY - Brunello (Va)

2023 - ENOUGH violence against women - Collective by ARTandCHARITY - Cardano al C. (Va)

Contact me


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Don't hesitate to contact me.