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Giovanni Tommasi


It's during my teenage years in the 60s/70s in Milan, in a Città Studi that was anything but quiet, amidst student protests and riots, that I begin to understand the importance of capturing the moment, the expression, the face, the situation through photography. I realize how essential it is to be a photojournalist. In the 70s, I move to the Como area, where I start working in my profession and nurturing my passion for photography. Like many at that time, I approach photography with classic Kodak, Polaroid, etc...

Then, one fine day, I treat myself to a splendid Olympus OM10. Of course, I couldn't do without telephoto lenses, zoom, filters, tripod, and all that a photographer needs, even if only an amateur. Only later, I understand that photography is not just about the camera or various accessories, but it depends on the ability of the photographer, who manages to capture the moment, the place, the light, the atmosphere, and above all on inspiration.

The advent of new technologies, another of my great passions, leads me to digital photography, this time with a Canon. From that moment on, I decide to photograph in the simplest and most natural way possible. I cannot bear the idea of retouching photos, of altering them artfully to make them "perfect" and/or "flawless." I believe that a "retouched" photo is no longer a document capturing the moment, but becomes an image created specifically for other purposes and/or for self-satisfaction. This is why I avoid using the flash. I simply want "the shot," the one that transforms a mundane image into a "unique" and "irreplaceable" moment. I want my photo to become a "historical document" that tells what I have seen.

In 2014, circumstances lead me to move to the province of Varese. Lately, my desire to take photographs has increased, inspiring me to experiment with new photographic techniques while still adhering to my rule of not retouching shots. Thus, I fulfill this desire by replacing the old Canon with a new one and a beautiful collection of lenses. The advent of the latest generation smartphones, exceptional tools, enhances my capabilities and allows me to take photos even in completely new situations.

I believe that a "retouched" photo is no longer a document that captures the moment, but becomes an image created ad hoc for other use and/or self-celebration.
It is for this reason and therefore by choice that I avoid, if possible, the use of flash. I simply want "The shot", the one that makes a simple shot a "unique moment" and "absolutely unrepeatable" in practice I want my photo to become a "historical document" that tells what I saw.

In recent times I have felt the need to return to the reflex, this time digital and the desire to experiment with new photographic techniques has increased while remaining faithful to my principle of not retouching the shots.

So I fulfilled this desire by giving myself a Canon EOS 200D with 10/18 18/55 and 55/250 lenses. The advent of the latest generation of smartphones, exceptional tools, increases my potential and makes shots possible even in completely new situations.

Over time I have joined my camera with an infinite series of objects of desire. Today I am the happy owner of a Huawei P20 PRO designed mainly for photography enthusiasts to which I have added some interesting tools such as the telescopic rod with remote control and the Gimbal.

Over the years, despite the many positive signals and invitations received, I have never participated in exhibitions, competitions or events. I made my debut in 2018 by participating in "Art Days in Varese" finding great satisfaction in the response and judgment of the public. Other exhibitions and many, many satisfactions followed. My shots “stop the moment” in its natural and original condition. It is a patient and difficult search for light, for moments and situations until I find the right moment, or what seems to me to be the right moment, the best conditions, the moment to make the magical and unrepeatable "CLICK".​

How much time do I spend in post-production? Almost nothing because I believe that the photograph should be the mirror of that precise moment and any alteration, modification or retouching makes the document a fake, a distortion of reality.

For these reasons I made the aphorism my own

“The amateur photographer cares about having the right equipment, the professional cares about money, and the master cares about light”

(George B.IR)

Are you interested in my shots?
You can contact me using the "Contact Me" form below.




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Group exhibitions


10/11 June 2017 - 1st edition Days of Art Noli - org. ArtistaOnLine/ArtAndCharity O.D.V. - Noli (Sv)

3/31 March 2018 - 1st edition Days of Art Varese - org. ArtistaOnLine/ArtAndCharity O.D.V. - Varese

1/2 September 2018 - 2nd edition Days of Art Noli - org. ArtistaOnLine/ArtAndCharity O.D.V. - Noli (Sv)

1/2 December 2018 - 2nd edition Pavia Art Talent - ArtistaOnline artists group - Pavia

14/22 September 2019 - Autumn Reflections - Cologno Monzese (Mi)

20/23 September 2019 - Ex Cotton Mill and Workers' Village - Lomazzo (Co)

10/24 November 2019 - 34th edition "Distinctive Signs: Red" - San Fermo della Battaglia (Co)

23/24 November 2019 - 3rd edition Pavia Art Talent - ArtistaOnLine artists group - Pavia

29/11 > 8/12 2019 - duo exhibition "Embraces" - Galleria Duepunti - Varese

11/12 December 2021 - 4th edition PaviaArtTalent - ArtistaOnLine artists group - Belgioioso (Pv)

4/12 March 2023 - SMILEWOMAN - group exhibition ArtistaOnLine at Galleria Due Punti - Varese

2/11 June 2023 - My Avatar - group exhibition ArtistaOnLine at Galleria Due Punti - Varese

21/29 October 2023 - Artists tell about themselves - group exhibition ARTandCHARITY - Brunello (Va)

18/26 November 2023 - Stop violence against women - group exhibition ARTandCHARITY - Cardano al Campo (Va)

2/10 December 2023 - ART a DONNER - group exhibition ARTandCHARITY - at Galleria Due Punti - Varese

9-16 November 2024 - Beyond barriers - group exhibition organized by ARTandCHARITY at Libreria Ubik - Varese


Photographic reports:


2017 - Art Biennale - Venice

2017 - Days of Art Noli - Org. ArtistaOnLine/Artandcharity - Noli (Sv)

2018 - Days of Art Varese - Org. ArtistaOnLine/Artandcharity - Varese

2018 - Days of Art Noli - Org. ArtistaOnLine/Artandcharity - Noli (Sv)

2019 - Art Biennale - Venice

2019 - Musical Review "Music in Historic Residences" - Varese

2019 - Galleria Due Punti Inauguration - Varese

20 February 2020 - Trixi's solo exhibition opening - Galleria Due Punti - Varese

30 May 2020 - Concert "Musical Revivals" - Villa de Strens - Gazzada Schianno (Va)

06 June 2020 - Concert "Musical Revivals" - Villa de Strens - Gazzada Schianno (Va)

2020 - Musical Review "Music in Historic Residences" - (Vergiate - Brunello - Brunello)

2021 - Architecture Biennale - Venice

2021 - "Musical Revivals" Review (Hermitage of Santa Caterina del Sasso (Va) - Cardano al Campo (Va) - Albizzate (Va) - Vergiate (Va) - Brunello (Va) - Belgioioso (Pv)

2021 - Pavia Art Talent - exhibition at Castello di Belgioioso (Pv)

2022 - Art Biennale - Venice

2022 - "Musical Revivals" Review - Brunello/Albizzate/Vergiate/Cardano al Campo/Brunello (Va)

4/12 March 2023 - SMILEWOMAN - group exhibition ArtistaOnLine at Galleria Due Punti - Varese

2/11 June 2023 - My Avatar - group exhibition ArtistaOnLine at Galleria Due Punti - Varese

24 June 2023 - AperiJazz - org. ARTandCHARITY - Barza (Va)


Photographic Contests:


12/13 October 2019 - Crema Photo Marathon - selected finalist

contact me


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Do not hesitate to contact me.

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