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Great success of "SORRIDIDONNA"

16/03/2023 16:09

Manuela Codazzi

Collective exhibition, Manuela Codazzi, Giovanni Tommasi, Ideaventuno, Mostra collettiva, Laura Fasano, H.H. Stillriver, Damiano Falcone, Varese, Paola Ponzellini, Alda Merini, Sorrididonna, Galleria Due Punti, Daniela Boito, Maurizio Cavicchiolo, Laura Pozzi, Riccardo Vignati, Salima Martignoni, Alessandra Sonia Romano, Coro Anemone,

Great success of "SORRIDIDONNA"

We are still stunned by the great success of the collective exhibition inspired by the poetry of Alda Merini


We are still stunned by the great success of the collective exhibition inspired by the poetry of Alda Merini

“SMILE WOMAN…     at your pains smile anyway

which last Sunday closed its doors at the " Galleria Due Punti " in Varese.


Smile woman

always smile at life

even if she doesn't smile at you

Smile at the finished loves

smile at your pains

smile anyway.

Your smile will be

light for your path

lighthouse for lost sailors.

Your smile will be

a kiss from mom,

a beat of wings,

a ray of sunshine for everyone.


Alda Merini

It was a real success, the small space of the " Galleria Due Punti " in Varese, from 4 to 12 March, gathered an incredible amount of emotions that accumulated to the point of making everything, even the smallest, shine.

The exhibited works, the music of the Violin of the Shoah with its great witness Alessandra Sonia Romano , the poetess Salima Martignoni and finally the " Anemone Choir " have led us to elevate the spirit above all imagination and this breath of pure emotion has touched everyone even reaching peaks of great emotion.

We received a very varied audience, we were enthusiastic and gratified in welcoming so many young people and seeing them so passionate in listening to our information on artists, works and also curious to see the video on the Violin of the Holocaust, so significant and moving.


We also thank the artists who have placed their trust in us by entrusting us with their works:

Daniela Boito - Maurizio Cavicchiolo - Manuela Codazzi - Damiano Falcone - Laura Fasano - Paola Ponzellini - Laura Pozzi Rinaldi - HH Stillriver - Giovanni Tommasi - Riccardo Vignati .

The only regret amid so much gratification is having to point out once again the lack of interest, even in the role of mere visitors, from local art groups with which we have often tried in vain to interact.  

⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠Unfortunately, we have to take note once again of this environmental reality which sees divisions into many inaccessible and fortified "small gardens" which do nothing but waste energy, money and steal opportunities from artists and the territory.

Even the Public Administration has not shown us particular interest despite the invitations issued also via PEC to the responsible figures.

On the other hand, we must thank the press organs that have given us great attention such as Varesenews , La Prealpina , Varese Report and Living .

We will continue to pursue the path of Art always with pride and with the hope of always gathering the approval of independent souls without conditioning.


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