On Sunday, September 8, on the occasion of the 81st anniversary of September 8, 1943, we had the honor of participating in the eighth edition of an unforgettable event at the Shoah Memorial in Milan, upon the invitation of Alessandra Sonia Romano, ambassador of the Violin of the Shoah. The show, conceived by Stefania Consenti, came to life thanks to the direction of Paolo Castagna and was staged by Castagna Ravelli, with the participation of actors from the Piccolo Teatro in Milan and highly skilled musicians, including our friend Alessandra Sonia Romano.
Walking in those places, observing the tracks and climbing on the carriages, is an experience that leaves a deep mark. This place, a symbol of the tragic destiny of those who left from the underground of Milan's Central Station never to return, has offered us moments of reflection and contemplation.
The silence that surrounds the memorial has an almost "sacred" power, inviting anyone who visits it to respect and remember the memory of an unparalleled tragedy.
It was an intense day, full of emotions and meanings, and an experience that we recommend everyone to live. This place is not only memory, but also a testimony of a past that must never be forgotten.
Our special thanks to our friend Alessandra Sonia Romano and to the talented artists who gave their best to convey to us the memory of what happened.