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Beyond the Barriers: Art that Breaks Boundaries in Varese

12/11/2024 11:49


Collective exhibition, Event, Concert, Music, Painting, Charity, Manuela Codazzi, Giovanni Tommasi, Paola Ponzellini, Alessandra Sonia Romano, Silvio Monti, Curatrice Manuela Codazzi, Paul Albert Dari, Nadio Marenco, Elda Olivieri, Grazia Giani, Oltre le barriere, Music-Abilmente, Focaccia Group, Dalma ForYou, Disabilità, Roberto Caielli, Stefano Ceretti, Giuseppe Cozzi, Mauro Garofalo, Gianni Landonio, Monica M. Rossi,

Beyond the Barriers: Art that Breaks Boundaries in Varese

ArtistaOnLine has always supported the ARTandCHARITY Association in promoting and spreading the many events organized for social purposes.


ArtistaOnLine has always supported the ARTandCHARITY Association in promoting and spreading the many events organized with highly important social purposes, and thanks to our support, the association manages to reach an increasingly wider audience, raising awareness of crucial causes through art and culture. The exhibition “Beyond the Barriers” represents one of the numerous initiatives that bring a message of solidarity and integration to the center of the artistic and social community.

The art exhibition “Beyond the Barriers”, organized by the ArtAndCharity ODV Association, was inaugurated on Saturday, November 9th at the Ubik Bookstore in Varese. This event, conceived and curated by Manuela Codazzi, represents a fundamental milestone for the cultural scene in Varese and an important opportunity for reflection on a delicate and complex theme: disability. Through the universal language of art, the exhibition explores the physical, psychological, and social challenges that often become barriers in daily life, offering a new and engaging perspective on these realities.


The exhibition hosts artists of both national and international fame, including Roberto Caielli (photography), Stefano Ceretti (photography), Giuseppe Cozzi (photography), Paul Albert Dari (painting), Mauro Garofalo (graphic art), Grazia Giani (painting), Gianni Landonio (painting), Silvio Monti (guest artist - painting), Paola Ponzellini (painting), Monica M. Rossi (painting) and Giovanni Tommasi (photography). 

The works, ranging from photography to painting and graphic art, capture the viewer's attention, leading them to empathize with stories of resilience and hope. Each piece is accompanied by a detailed description that helps to understand the context and meaning behind each piece, promoting a deeper reading of the experiences lived by people with disabilities. This careful arrangement allows viewers to immerse themselves in the emotions, dreams, and difficulties that these stories represent, while also proposing a message of hope, solidarity, and acceptance.

The exhibition not only values art as a means of expression but also uses it as a tool to break down cultural and social barriers. The initiative directly addresses the Varese community, stimulating a dialogue on crucial themes such as inclusion, empathy, and mutual understanding.

The vernissage added an additional level of emotional involvement thanks to the concert titled “Music-Abilmente”, performed in Piazza del Podestà. This musical event offered an emotional journey that deeply touched all those present. With the exceptional talent of Alessandra Sonia Romano on the violin, Nadio Marenco on the accordion, and the narrating voice of Elda Olivieri, the concert interpreted themes related to disability with unique sensitivity and intensity, evoking genuine emotions in the audience. Each musical piece evoked experiences of strength and courage, engaging the spectators and creating an atmosphere of intense participation.


The event was broadcast live by Radio Village Network, the web radio of Bodio Lomnago, always close to social issues and the world of disability. During the vernissage, significant interviews were conducted with the President of the ARTandCHARITY Association, Giovanni Tommasi; the curator of the exhibition, Manuela Codazzi; the General Director of Focaccia Group, Dr. Rocco Scocozza; the Director of Coop. Soc. Magari Domani Onlus, Andrea Avila; and M° Mario Roncuzzi, who shared a touching speech on disability as a condition lived with great dignity, courage, and an infinite passion for music.

Furthermore, the opening day offered attendees a tangible experience of inclusivity, thanks to demonstrations of vehicles adapted for the mobility of people with disabilities. The collaboration with Focaccia Group and Dalma ForYou allowed participants to discover new technologies supporting greater accessibility, presented by the technicians of the companies present at the event. In fact, the technicians present showed new technologies supporting accessibility, offering the public a tangible perspective on how innovation can improve daily life.


The exhibition “Beyond the Barriers” will remain open until November 16, and represents an unmissable opportunity for anyone wishing to explore the theme of disability through art and human contact.

The event has received the patronage of the Lombardy Region, the Province of Varese, and the Municipality of Varese. The support offered by the volunteers of the National Carabinieri Association of Varese, Cristina, Clara, and Luca from the Ubik Bookstore was very valuable.

We remind you that the exhibition will remain open until Saturday, November 16.

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